DBS World Tour 2018 pt. 2

As far as dates are concerned: The Prez has looked at prices and overall flight availability, and these are how they rank, starting from more availability + less expensive (not by much) to less availability + more expensive:

Date preferences for when "DBS Takes Over The World"

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DBS 2017 Adopt-a-Family

Hey guys (gals)!  It’s that time of year again.  Time to get out the stretchy pants and ugly sweaters… Time to call that friend/family member that you haven’t spoken to since the last holiday season, and finally, time to give back to the community that helped raise us, keep us safe, and the place we still call home.

It’s pretty amazing if you think about it.  This will be our 4th annual DBS fundraiser! FOURTH!!! that means that (already) we have raised over $4,500.00.  We have also given so much of our time and love to people in the community that we did not know.  I think this speaks volumes about the kind of brotherhood/sisterhood that we are. Read More DBS 2017 Adopt-a-Family

DBS 2016 Fund Raiser

What will DBS do this year to fund raise (if anything)?

  • We should do the same as last year and keep it within DBS (35%, 6 Votes)
  • We should adopt more families by involving HBR and close friends to help raise funds (29%, 5 Votes)
  • We should do something else (29%, 5 Votes)
  • We should not fund raise this year (6%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 17

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