DBS 2015 Adopt-a-Family

[fundraiser_panel id=”248″ style=”wdf-basic”]


Please click “Read More” for instructions on how to help!!!

  1. Enter a pledge and click “Back This Project”
  2. Enter your name and email address in the form and click
    “Complete Pledge”
  3. Visit PayPal to send money
  4. Enter charity@dreambigandserve-com.ibrave.host and the amount
    you are pledging
  5. Click “Send Money”
  6. Click a button to send moneyPayPalFnF
    1. If you have an account that is linked to your bank
      or your have money in your paypal account, click
      “Friends or Family”
    2. If you don’t have a paypal account or don’t have
      an account linked to a bank, click “Goods or Services.
  7. Log in to your account (if you have one, if not, sign up!)
  8. IF ALL ELSE FAILS, just click here:

If you have any issues, please let me know.


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