The unofficial LOGO Meaning:
The dove and the olive leaf. This goes back to the story of Noah and the Ark in the Old Testament. Noah let out a dove and the dove brought back a olive leaf, a symbol of land, or HOPE that the waters of the flood where subsiding. The dove and the leaf has also been a symbol of PEACE. “Extending an olive branch” The olive branch itself goes back to the ancient Greeks as a symbol of Athena or for WISDOM or VICTORY. The dove can also mean to take flight or SOAR.
16 leaves numerology & symbology: Could be for the 16 that started Dream Big and the one (dove), for the one to CARRY, SERVE or LEAD. If you remember in religion class: seven, four, three, or two were considered sacred numbers in ancient Hebrew. (e.g. 7 days of creation, 4 days of separation, 2 days of population, 1 day of meditation or rest) So any multiples of these were like, SUPER sacred (e.g. 12 brothers/tribes of Israel 4×3=12, Adam lives for 144 years 12×12=144, etc). And in Christianity it’s the same (e.g. 12 apostles, 3 denials of Peter, 3 days in the tomb, etc.)
And the only obvious to us is the D-B-S in the Dove. It’s not prevalent, but it’s there. If you squint. 🙂
Of course, all of these meanings are only symbols, and not to be taken literally. We should always look at the context, not the content.
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