Thank you for your help!!!

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I want to thank everyone for their generous donations last year in supporting our FIRST annual Adopt-a-family fundraiser. It was our first attempt at giving back; and we met the tough goals we set for ourselves.  I am very proud to have you as friends/brothers/family. Because of the outpouring of support, we were able to make a difference in the lives four families in need.

Last year we were able to provide gift cards to local grocery stores, laundry essentials, gift certificates for clothes, dinner vouchers, canned goods and some wish list items for the children of these struggling families.

Our goal is to grow this idea beyond DBS and adopt more and more families in the coming years.  There is no doubt that the need is huge. 16.8% of the children in Eagle Rock live below the federal poverty line (Eagle Rock has a higher rate of childhood poverty than 50.7% of U.S. neighborhoods).

We are so fortunate, as individuals and as families, to have been blessed with good family values, education, opportunities and not to forget… excellent friendships. I am not saying that we are all rich and successful, but we are all fortunate. The support of every single one of you is helping children and families have a happier holiday season.

Thank you again for your compassion and support. With warm regards,


Logo Meaning

The unofficial LOGO Meaning:
The dove and the olive leaf. This goes back to the story of Noah and the Ark in the Old Testament. Noah let out a dove and the dove brought back a olive leaf, a symbol of land, or HOPE that the waters of the flood where subsiding. The dove and the leaf has also been a symbol of PEACE. “Extending an olive branch” The olive branch itself goes back to the ancient Greeks as a symbol of Athena or for WISDOM or VICTORY. The dove can also mean to take flight or SOAR.
16 leaves numerology & symbology: Could be for the 16 that started Dream Big and the one (dove), for the one to CARRY, SERVE or LEAD. If you remember in religion class: seven, four, three, or two were considered sacred numbers in ancient Hebrew. (e.g. 7 days of creation, 4 days of separation, 2 days of population, 1 day of meditation or rest) So any multiples of these were like, SUPER sacred (e.g. 12 brothers/tribes of Israel 4×3=12, Adam lives for 144 years 12×12=144, etc). And in Christianity it’s the same (e.g. 12 apostles, 3 denials of Peter, 3 days in the tomb, etc.)
And the only obvious to us is the D-B-S in the Dove. It’s not prevalent, but it’s there. If you squint. 🙂
Of course, all of these meanings are only symbols, and not to be taken literally. We should always look at the context, not the content.

DBS Philanthropy

A possible name for the Philanthropic part of DBS?

  • Dream Big & Serve (42%, 5 Votes)
  • Do. Be. Serve (33%, 4 Votes)
  • Doing. Being. Serving. (8%, 1 Votes)
  • Defined By Society (8%, 1 Votes)
  • Da Benevolent Society (8%, 1 Votes)
  • Defined By Service(ing) (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Duty & Benevolence & Service (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 12

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Alvin & Anne Marie’s Wedding Vid

Yes folks, the Uy’s and the Calero’s are officially hitched. Alvin and Anne Marie’s wedding was on September 6, 2008 at St. Anthony’s in Long Beach, which was followed up by a fantastic reception at MoLAA. Sorry we couldn’t post picts up earlier, we’re still getting over the hang over! Anyway, here is the cute vid that Alain and Ang produced for the happy newweds. Quite nice! Enjoy.